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Broiler feeds - Kukuchku

Broiler farming is a fast-paced and highly rewarding business, but success hinges on one critical factor: the quality and type of feed you provide. Choosing the right feed for your broilers can mean the difference between fast growth, high feed efficiency, and robust health—or slow growth, poor feed conversion, and increased mortality rates. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about selecting the right broiler feed, with a special focus on Kukuchku’s offerings.

What Are the Feeding Guidelines for Broilers?

To ensure that your broilers grow quickly and reach their full potential, it’s essential to follow specific feeding guidelines. These guidelines are based on the nutritional needs of broilers at different stages of their growth.

Starter Feed (0-2 weeks):

  • Protein Content: 22-24%
  • Energy: 3,000-3,200 kcal/kg
  • Feeding Rate: 500-600g per chick during this phase
  • Objective: Support rapid growth and strong skeletal development.

Grower Feed (3-5 weeks):

  • Protein Content: 20-22%
  • Energy: 3,100-3,300 kcal/kg
  • Feeding Rate: 1.5-2 kg per bird by the end of this phase
  • Objective: Promote muscle development and prepare broilers for the finishing stage.

Finisher Feed (6 weeks onwards):

  • Protein Content: 18-20%
  • Energy: 3,200-3,400 kcal/kg
  • Feeding Rate: 3-3.5 kg per bird until market weight is achieved
  • Objective: Maximize weight gain and feed efficiency as birds approach market size.

These feeding phases are essential because they ensure that broilers receive the right nutrients at the right time, optimizing their growth and overall health.


What Is the Best Feed for Broiler Chickens?

The best feed for broiler chickens is one that provides a balanced combination of protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals, tailored to each stage of the broiler’s development. High-quality feed should promote rapid growth, improve feed conversion, and support the overall health of the flock.

Kukuchku Broiler Feeds are formulated to meet these exact needs. Here’s why they are considered the best:

  • Balanced Nutrition: Kukuchku Feeds provide an ideal mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. This balance ensures that broilers grow quickly while maintaining strong immune systems.
  • High Digestibility: Ingredients used in Kukuchku Feeds are selected for their digestibility, which means the birds can absorb nutrients more effectively, reducing waste and improving growth rates.
  • Quality Ingredients: We use only the best raw materials, including soybean meal, maize, fish meal, and essential oils. These ingredients contribute to better growth performance and feed conversion ratios.
  • Consistency: Kukuchku Feeds are produced under strict quality control measures, ensuring that every batch meets the same high standards.

How to Calculate Broiler Feed

Calculating the amount of feed required for your broilers is crucial for budgeting and ensuring that you have enough feed to last throughout the growing cycle. Here’s a simple way to calculate the feed needs:

Estimate the total feed requirement per bird:

  • Starter phase: 600g per bird
  • Grower phase: 2 kg per bird
  • Finisher phase: 3.5 kg per bird
  • Total: Approximately 6.1 kg per bird

Calculate the total feed needed for your flock:

  • For example, if you have 100 broilers:
  • 100 birds x 6.1 kg = 610 kg of feed required from start to finish.

Breakdown by phase:

  • Starter feed: 100 birds x 600g = 60 kg
  • Grower feed: 100 birds x 2 kg = 200 kg
  • Finisher feed: 100 birds x 3.5 kg = 350 kg

By planning your feed needs in advance, you can ensure that you have the right amount of feed on hand and avoid disruptions in your broilers’ growth.

Kukuchku Animal Feeds and Concentrates

What Is the Best Concentrate for Broilers in Uganda?

Concentrates are a key component of broiler feeds, providing the essential nutrients that are often lacking in basic feed ingredients. In Uganda, Kukuchku Broiler Concentrates are widely regarded as the best option for poultry farmers.

  • 10% Concentrate: Ideal for farmers who prefer to mix their feeds with locally available ingredients. The 10% concentrate provides the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids needed to balance homemade feeds.
  • 35% Concentrate: This option is perfect for farmers who want to ensure their broilers receive a highly concentrated source of protein and other nutrients. The 35% concentrate is typically mixed with maize and other energy sources to create a complete feed.

Why Is Broiler Concentrate Important?

Broiler concentrate is vital because it supplies the essential nutrients that might be missing from the grains and other feed components used in broiler diets. Without a high-quality concentrate, broilers may suffer from nutrient deficiencies, leading to slower growth, poor feed conversion, and increased susceptibility to disease.

Kukuchku Broiler Concentrates ensure that your feed is nutritionally complete, giving your broilers everything they need to grow quickly and healthily.


Choosing the right broiler feed is crucial for the success of your poultry farming operation. By following the feeding guidelines, selecting high-quality feeds like Kukuchku, and using the best concentrates available, you can ensure that your broilers grow quickly, stay healthy, and reach market weight efficiently.